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Sewing Machine Basics 1 - Night Class

Sewing Machine Basics 1 - Night Class

Regular price $19.00 Sale

This hands-on 3 hour class is open to owners of all brands of sewing machines. Sewing Machine Basics #1 is designed to build the foundation of basic use and sewing machine etiquette.

Learn care and maintenance to keep your sewing machine running smoothly and have a long productive life.

We will explore needles and their many different uses and quality sewing thread.

Familiarize yourself with stitch settings to improve performance when trying new techniques.

Understand the proper use of tensions, seam guides, basic feet, quarter-inch feet and walking feet.

6.00 pm to 9.00pm. Class will be held on a Saturday to be announced when we have sufficient enrollments. 

Express your preference for Night or Day class.

Limited numbers, first to book and pay has first preference.

Class is at our shop/studio in Yarravel.

All sample fabric will be included in class cost.

See Terms & Conditions on Home page footer.

Call 0412 153 881 for more info.